Charging platform
Please wear gloves
The charging platform is made of steel and PVC which result pretty heavy and sharp. To hande the charging platform, we recommend wearing rubber gloves.
Compact charging platform installation
To connect the compact charging platform to the Skycharge system, use the supplied multicore cable:
- On the backside of the charging platform is located a connector; remove the protective case and plug-in the multicore cable to the connector, securing the connection with the socket connector clips;
- connect the other end of the multicore cable to the charge source after removing the protective cap.

Figure 4 - BOLOGNINI S1 Charging platform connected to Skycharge system
Modular charging platform installation
The modular charging platform consists of one Skycharge system and four charging platforms. The four charging platforms must be chain-connected together and to the Skycharge system. The connection follows the schema represented in Figure 5 below. To connect the modular charging platform, follow these steps:
- start by connecting the first charging platform to the Skycharge system as it would be a compact charging platform, but connect also the second charging platform socket with one of the three supplied multicore cables;
- complete the connections of the other three charging platforms in the same manner; the intermediate charging platforms will have two cables connected, while the last connected charging platform will have only one cable connection.

Figure 5 โ BOLOGNINI S1 Modular charging platform cables connection schema

Figure 6 โ BOLOGNINI S1 Modular charging platform chain-connection
Fixing the charging platform
The charging platforms can be optionally fixed to the floor by inserting screws into the aluminum legs.
The BOLOGNINI S1 charging platform is rated IP65. All connections are waterproof and "dust tight". The charging platform has been engineered to withstand extreme weather conditions. It can operate when the conductive surface is wet and the gap between the charging tiles has been calculated to prevent water from shorting them.
Updated 18 days ago