This list is in no way exhaustive and does not exempt the user from knowing and scrupulously applying the rules for the prevention of accidents and safety at work in force in the place where the machine is used.
For the safe use of the machine, it is necessary to strictly comply with the work safety regulations in force in each country.
The machine must be used by persons over 18 years of age, in normal psychophysical conditions, trained in its use, and informed about the risks involved after reading the manual. The influence of alcohol or other substances precludes safety.
Operate the Skyport DP5 only in full view and at a distance from obstacles (considering foreseeable movements in case of accidents).
Have the machine serviced and checked as described in the Maintenance chapter. In case of impossibility or incapacity, instruct the manufacturer. Any work on the device must be carried out by qualified technical personnel only.
Never remove the safety plates that the manufacturer has affixed to the machine. Never carry out any intervention when the Skyport DP5 is in operation.
When the Skyport DP5 is in operation, never introduce objects, tools, hands, or other body parts into any moving parts.
Always remove the power supply before performing any work on the DP5.
The space around the Skyport DP5 must be clean, clear, and well-lit. Remove any objects or accumulations that are deposited on top of the moving hangar cover as a result of weathering.
Do not place objects on the hangar covers when they are not moving.
Do not mount or sit on top of Skyport DP5.
Skyport DP5 is equipped with active and passive safety systems: the combination of these systems allows the machine to prevent dangers for people working on the device or in its vicinity.
It is forbidden to tamper, modify or attempt to circumvent the machine's safety systems in any way.
The presence of safety systems does not exempt operators from acting with the utmost caution and avoiding behavior that could endanger their safety or the integrity of the Skyport DP5.
Protection of the electrical system
The electrical system has been designed and constructed to protect operators from physiological effects resulting from electrical faults.
All accessible metal parts of the machine are connected to the equipotential protection circuit to avoid dangers deriving from any insulation failure.
In addition, all electrical devices with which operators come into contact (pushbuttons, indicators) are powered at very low voltage derived from a transformer (which galvanically separates them from the high-voltage part) and are impermeable to liquids or vapors that could cause short circuits or deterioration of the insulation.
There are also protections against overcurrents to prevent any faults from causing overheating or dangerous conditions.
Mechanical protections
The machine is equipped with fixed guards that protect the transmission components and a clutch that limits the force transmitted by the engine to the toothed sectors that transmit movement to the hangar covers.
The fan of the optional air conditioning and refrigeration device is protected by a grill that prevents intrusion of fingers or objects.
Emergency stop devices
Skyport DP5 is equipped with two emergency stop buttons located on the control panel and on the opposite side of the machine.
Protection of the electrical system
The electrical system has been designed and constructed to protect operators from physiological effects resulting from electrical faults.
All accessible metal parts of the machine are connected to the equipotential protection circuit to avoid dangers deriving from any insulation failure.
In addition, all electrical devices with which operators come into contact (pushbuttons, indicators) are powered at very low voltage derived from a transformer (which galvanically separates them from the high-voltage part) and are impermeable to liquids or vapors that could cause short circuits or deterioration of the insulation.
There are also protections against overcurrents to prevent any faults from causing overheating or dangerous conditions.
Mechanical protections
The machine is equipped with fixed guards that protect the transmission components and a clutch that limits the force transmitted by the engine to the toothed sectors that transmit movement to the hangar covers.
The fan of the optional air conditioning and refrigeration device is protected by a grill that prevents intrusion of fingers or objects.
Emergency stop buttons
Skyport DP5 is equipped with two emergency stop buttons located on the control panel and the opposite side of the machine.
The machine must not be used for purposes other than those for which it is intended.
Any use other than those permitted may cause hazards as some of the safety devices foreseen during the design phase may be missing.
All interventions of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, cleaning, adjustment, tuning, and checks must be carried out when the machine is stopped and after having cut off the power supply by means of the key switch on the control panel of the device.
Any work on the machine must be carried out by competent personnel trained in the correct operating methods.
Do not carry out any intervention on the machine while moving and always check that it is isolated from all its energy sources before intervening.
Skyport DP5 has been designed with criteria aimed at preventing and eliminating at the root most of the risks to which both machine operators and persons in the immediate vicinity are exposed.
Despite these assumptions, some residual risks remain when using the device.
The danger of crushing or overturning due to improper handling or storage:
- The manufacturer advises following the recommendations in Chapter 5 Transport and Installation.
- The opening and closing movement of the hangar covers is signaled by the activation of the internal buzzer. Therefore, you should move away from the equipment immediately when you hear the warning sound.
- Before any work or inspection that may require you to reach between the hangar covers with your hands, turn off the equipment using the ON/OFF key switch (Reference 1, Figure 7 -9) and remove the key or press the emergency stop button.
Crushing hazard in case of torque control system malfunctions:
- The manufacturer recommends positioning the machine according to the Installation instructions and suggests the operation of the safety devices be periodically checked as prescribed in chapter Maintenance.
General mechanical hazards of improper maintenance:
- The manufacturer recommends that maintenance be performed by authorized personnel.
Electrical fault:
- The connection to the equipotential protection circuit must be carried out by competent personnel. The customer must ensure that the grounding system meets the safety requirements of national law.
Atmospheric Lightning:
- The Manufacturer recommends following the recommendations in chapter Electrical System Preparation.
Following the identification of the above residual risks, the manufacturer has installed on the machine a series of warning plates in the locations shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1
The customer is responsible for ensuring the safety plates are reinstated if they become illegible.
Updated about 1 month ago