Sink board configuration
To read the Sink board configuration, you can invoke the following command:
$ skycharge-cli show-sink-params
Sink has the following parameters:
capabilties PLC_WHILE_CHARGING (0x01)
batt-type Li-Po (0x00)
batt-capacity-mah 5000
batt-min-voltage-mv 18000
batt-max-voltage-mv 25200
charging-max-current-ma 15000
cutoff-min-current-ma 500
cutoff-timeout-ms 5000
precharge-current-ma 1000
precharge-delay-secs 0
precharge-secs 0
total-charge-secs 7200
user-data1 0x00000000
user-data2 0x00000000
user-data3 0x00000000
user-data4 0x00000000
capabilities = "string"
Specifies capabilities of the Sink board. For example, if a Sink board is capable to transfer data while charging, then the 'PLC_WHILE_CHARGING' capability can be specified. This capability allows the user to transfer data over two wires while charging. If 'detect-mod' of the Source board is set to 'capacity' then capability should be set to 'NIL'.
batt-type = "string"
Specifies the battery type. The default value is "Li-Po".
batt-capacity-mah = integer
Specifies battery capacity in mA hours. The default value is 5000 mAh.
batt-max-voltage-mv = integer
Specifies the voltage in mV which will be used for charging. For example, if the battery is a 6S, then the correct value can be 25200 (4200mV x 6S). Note that due to the voltage drop across the wires, it makes sense to slightly increase the voltage.
batt-min-voltage-mv = integer
Specifies the minimum voltage in mV of the battery. If the battery is damaged, not connected or fully depleted and the battery voltage goes below the "sink-batt-min-voltage-mv" value, the charging process won't start. See also the "mux-hw2-ignore-low-batt-voltage" configuration setting. For example, if your battery is a 6S Li-Po, then the correct value can be 18000 (3000mV x 6S), where 3V is the minimum safe value of the Li-Po cell.
charging-max-current-ma = integer
Specifies the maximum current in mA which will be used for charging.
cutoff-min-current-ma = integer
Specifies the current cutoff threshold in mA. When the charging current drops below this value, charging is stopped. The default value is 500 mA.
cutoff-timeout-ms = integer
Specifies the timeout in ms that is used to detect the 'cutoff-min-current-ma' current when to finish charging. The default value is 1000 ms.
precharge-delay-secs = integer
Specifies the delay in seconds after which the Source board will start pre-charging. The default value is 1 second.
precharge-current-ma = integer
Specifies the pre-charge current in mA which increases up to the "sink-charging-max-current-ma" during the "sink-precharge-secs" number of seconds. The default value is 1000 mA.
precharge-secs = integer
Specifies the pre-charge value in seconds. After the charging process has begun, the current will start with the "sink-precharge-current-ma" value and will rise to the "sink-charging-max-current-ma". Current increases for "sink-precharge-sec" of seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.
total-charge-secs = integer
Specifies the total number of seconds during which the Source board will keep charging. Once this number of seconds elapsed, the state of the Source board will be changed to 'CHARGING_FINISHED'. The default value is 7200 seconds, i.e. 2 hours.
user-data = integer in hex
The Sink board writes to the EEPROM memory 16 bytes of user data. Each configuration setting can hold only 4 bytes, thus there are 4 configuration settings: user-data1, user-data2, user-data3, user-data4. The format of the value is hex. In the following command example, we update the 16 bytes of the user data:
$ skycharge-cli set-sink-params user-data1:0xdeadbeaf,user-data2:0xbaadf00d,user-data3:0xcafed00d,user-data4:0xfaceb00c
Updated 18 days ago