Configuration file
Each source board can be persistently configured through its configuration file rediding on on the BeagleBone board in: /etc/skycharge.conf. The configuration file has the following sections: common, MUX, PSU and Skyport.
Updating the configuration file
When you update the configuration file, the changes won't become effective until skycharged is restarted.
To manually restart skycharged you can invoke the following command:
systemctl restart skycharged
Common configuration
user-uuid = <uuid-string, compatible with [RFC-4122](>
Customer UUID generated by Skycharge which identifies a client instance.
broker-url =,5555
URL of the Skycharge cloud server. If your Skycharge system is not supposed to go online, you can comment this string out.
device-uuid = <uuid-string, compatible with [RFC-4122](>
Device UUID generated by Skycharge. The device key is a unique ID and used to bind many devices to a customer on the Skycharge cloud server.
device-name = <string>
Short and self-descriptive name of this particular device.
HW2 source board (MUX) configuration
All the source board configuration settings can be changed with the configuration file. Please read the source board configuration page where the complete list of configuration settings is described.
Each source board configuration setting can be written into the file with the prefix 'mux-hw2-', for example:
mux-hw2-psu-type = <RSP-750-48>
Sink board configuration
All the sink board configuration settings can be changed with the configuration file. Please read the sink board configuration page where the complete list of configuration settings is described.
Each sink board configuration setting can be written into the file with the prefix 'sink-', for example:
sink-batt-type = <Li-Po | Li-Ion>
"title": "DronePort configuration"
dp-hw-interface = gpio
Drone port HW interface. The default value is "gpio".
dp-is-closed-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when the DP is closed. The default value is P8.07 (gpio66).
dp-in-progress-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when the DP is in progress (opening or closing). The default value is P8.08 (gpio67).
dp-is-drone-detected-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when a drone is detected. The default value is P8.09 (gpio69). Currently is not supported by the DP.
dp-is-opened-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when the DP is opened. The default value is P8.10 (gpio68).
dp-open-pin = <pin>
The DP command pin, should be set to HIGH in order to open the DP. The default value is P8.11 (gpio45).
dp-close-pin = <pin>
The DP command pin, should be set to HIGH in order to close the DP. The default value is P8.12 (gpio44).
dp-is-landing-err-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when a drone is landed incorrectly. The default value is P8.13 (gpio23). Currently is not supported.
dp-is-ready-pin = <pin>
The DP status pin, is HIGH when the DP is ready to accept commands. The default value is P8.14 (gpio26).
Updated 18 days ago