Powering on the system

Powering on

To operate the system bring the charge source switch in “on” position (turn the switch upwards).

Restart timeout

The charge source main power supply has a shutdown timeout that must be respected for correct ignition. When you powered off the system a delay of 30 seconds must be observed before powering it on again. If the system is powered on without waiting for 30 seconds, the power supply won’t become operative.


Charge source maintenance

If you need to open the charge source box or to replace the fuse, always make sure the AC power plug is disconnected before any operation.


Operations in hazardous environments

To operate the system in hazardous environments with the risk of fire/explosion, it is **mandatory to stop the charging of the batteries before disconnecting the contact unit from the contact solution. This is necessary to avoid potential sparks and electric arcs.

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