Source board configuration

To read the Source board configuration, you can invoke the following command:

$ skycharge-cli show-dev-params 
Source has the following parameters:
        psu-type                           RSP-750-48 (0x01)
        detect-mode                        CAPACITY (0x02)
        psu-fixed-voltage-mv               0
        psu-fixed-current-ma               0
        psu-use-fixed-v-i                  false
        nr-bad-heartbeats                  20
        ignore-inval-charging-settings     false
        ignore-low-batt-voltage            true
        error-indication-timeout-secs      5
        keep-silence                       false
        ignore-voltage-on-output           true
        min-sense-current-ma               50
        repeat-charge-after-mins           10
        sense-voltage-calib-point1-mv      15000:15000
        sense-voltage-calib-point2-mv      50000:50000
        sense-current-calib-point1-ma       1000:1000
        sense-current-calib-point2-ma      10000:10000
        psu-voltage-calib-point1-mv        10000:10000
        psu-voltage-calib-point2-mv        20000:20000
        psu-current-calib-point1-ma         1000:1000
        psu-current-calib-point2-ma         5000:5000

psu-type = "string"

Specifies the PSU type. The default value is "RSP-750-48".

detect-mode = "string"

Specifies the detection mode of the Sink board. The 'capacity' detection mode is related to the Skycharge cDetect Sink board. The 'plc' detection mode is related to the Skycharge PLC Sink board. The default value is 'plc'.

psu-fixed-voltage-mv = integer

Specifies fixed charging voltage in mV. Will be applied for charging only if 'psu-use-fixed-v-i ' setting is set to 'true'. Used for testing purposes.

psu-fixed-current-ma = integer

Specifies fixed charging current in mA. Will be applied for charging only if 'psu-use-fixed-v-i ' setting is set to 'true'. Used for testing purposes.

psu-use-fixed-v-i = bool

Enables fixed voltage and current settings. Used for testing purposes. The default value is 'false'.

nr-bad-heartbeats = integer

Specifies number of bad heartbeats packages which are allowed to retrieve in case of poor data link before rising the 'ERR_BAD_LINK' charging error. This option is used for 'plc' detect mode only. The default value is 20.

ignore-inval-charging-settings = bool

If set to 'true' charging settings won't be verified on charging. The default value is 'false'.

ignore-low-batt-voltage = bool

If the battery voltage is below the 'batt-min-voltage-mv' setting (see below) the charging won't start. The default value is 'false'. For testing on a resistive load, it is recommended to disable this protection by setting the configuration to "true".

error-indication-timeout-secs = integer

Specifies number of seconds used for indicating an error while charging. For example, if the load is disconnected while charging the error 'ERR_BAD_LINK' rises and the Source board will be in the 'ERR_BAD_LINK' for the 'error-indication-timeout-secs' number of seconds. The default value is 5.

keep-silence = bool

When charging starts, the Source board beeps once. To keep the Source board silent you can set this option to 'true'. The default value is 'false'.

EXPERIMENTAL ignore-voltage-on-output = bool

Voltage applied to the output contacts of the Source board can damage the PSU if charging starts. The Source board can detect the voltage on output contacts and rise the 'ERR_VOLTAGE_ON_OUTPUT' error. The default value is 'true'.

min-sense-current-ma = integer

Specifies the minimum possible current which is detected by the Source board. The default value is 50 mA.

repeat-charge-after-mins = integer

When the powered on drone/AVG is connected to the Source board for an extended period of time, the battery may be depleted. This parameter defines the interval in minutes when charging should be restarted. The default value is 10 minutes.

calibration points

There are 8 settings related to calibrating voltage and current sensing and PSU control. These settings are updated by Skycharge engineers and are not supposed to be changed by a customer.